Polaris North Workshops are sponsored and managed by volunteer members for other members.
The Actors Workshop is a lively and generous place to sharpen your skills and expand your capabilities. Playwrights and director members are always welcome to participate. It is a great place to get new ideas and see our talented actor members in action. The evening is free form and an opportunity for members to present a scene or monologue they are working on for review by other members.
Any member of Polaris North may attend the regular workshops within the limitations listed above.
The 2.5 hour evening starts at 7 PM and is scheduled for every other Monday.
Check the EVENTS calendar to confirm the current schedule.
If the building door is locked we can buzz you in from the call box. For more information or any questions you can contact Leslie Lynn Meeker at leslielynnnow@gmail.com
The Playwrights Group meetings are open to all members, including actors and directors. Playwrights may bring in work in progress to have it read by actor members and to get constructive critique from other members if desired. To provide as many members an opportunity to participate, playwrights should only present material which will take 15 minutes to read and critique. Playwrights must bring printed copies of as many characters are in the selection plus one additional for stage directions.
This workshop provides an excellent opportunity for actors to sharpen their cold reading skills. Many plays developed here have been produced at Polaris North and elsewhere; some have been published or won awards.
Any member of Polaris North may attend the regular workshops within the limitations listed above.
The 2 hour evening starts at 7:00 PM and is scheduled one or two Mondays each month.
Check the EVENTS calendar to confirm the current schedule.
If the building door is locked, we can buzz you in from the call box.
We begin at 7pm with actors introducing themselves through their work : monologues or sides, whichever you prefer in film/tv/theatre/commercial. You will each have 5 minutes to audition. The workshop is on camera, so you can review your clips. The workshop guest may give as much feedback/direction as they like, and we close our session by 9pm with a brief Q&A.
Additional fees are $35 per Polaris North and TRU Members and $45 for non-members with a special $25 fee for students.
Contact Adela Maria Bolet with questions at
Zoom Playwrights was established as an alternate approach to our Playwrights Group early in the pandemic lock down and remains as a viable option in these sometimes difficult times to meet in person. If you have any questions you may contact the sponsor Gayther Myers at: myersgayther@yahoo.com or call him at 917-345-8036.
Here are the guidelines:
1. Playwrights should contact Gayther and let him know they would like to attend and how many pages they'd like to have read. Limit: 15 pages. Deadline for participation: Noon on the day of the session.
1a. Actors should contact Gayther asap and let him know you'd like to be considered as a reader for the evening. This way if playwrights ask Gayther, he'll be able to let them know which actors are available. Deadline to attend the session is noon on the day of the event.
2. Playwrights must cast their own pieces with Polaris actors in advance of the session. Prior to the session, playwrights are responsible for contacting their actors and assuring their actors have the material to be read. Please see attached the most current contact sheet for actor's info or check with Gayther to see which actors may have volunteered for the session.
3.Once the material is shared by playwrights, the actors must be prepared in advance of the session with material accessible in a form they can utilize for the reading.
4. Gayther will order the submissions prior to the start of the session. We will follow the customary procedure: readings, comments, questions, possibly discussion, if the writer consents. The host will unmute participants for comments. The participants will also have the option of submitting written comments by email to the playwrights.
Jump in and experience our Polaris Zoom Playwrights session! It is an additional way to give more members an opportunity to receive feedback and continue our work within the Polaris community.
The ZOOM invitation link will be sent to all current Polaris members in advance of our session. ALL members are welcome to attend.
Please use the most current Polaris member contact list for your casting needs.
Reach out to reserve your spot to Gayther Myers at: myersgayther@yahoo.com
or call him at 917 345 8036
The Playwrights Bootcamp is now on ZOOM. Please contact Drew Sachs to RSVP and receive the ZOOM log on instructions in plenty of time in advance of the workshop date. His email contact is below.
The bootcamp is open for participation to those enrolled with Drew Sachs. Auditors are welcome! Actors are welcome to attend as readers.
To check availability or for any questions,
Contact Drew Sachs at: droosachs@gmail.com
There is an extremely limited number of seats available. The Bootcamp is open to all Polaris North members and seats will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Actors are also invited to read for playwrights and become part of the process. Reach out to Drew if this interests you
Set in a master class environment, members are encouraged to bring in a select number of pages of their works in progress to be read aloud and workshopped by the group. Each monthly session will focus on the individual needs of its members.
If interested please contact Drew Sachs at: Droosachs@gmail.com.
Polaris North